List of moths of Australia (Gelechiidae)
This is a list of the Australian species of the Family Gelechiidae. It also acts as an index to the species articles and forms part of the full List of moths of Australia.
- Aproaerema coracina (Meyrick, 1921)
- Aproaerema isoscelixantha (Lower, 1897)
- Aproaerema simplexella (Walker, 1864)
- Chaliniastis astrapaea Meyrick, 1904
- Idiophantis chiridota Meyrick, 1914
- Idiophantis habrias Meyrick, 1904
- Idiophantis insomnis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Pauroneura brachysticha Turner, 1919
- Scindalmota limata Turner, 1919
- Thiotricha acronipha Turner, 1919
- Thiotricha animosella (Walker, 1864)
- Thiotricha anticentra Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha argyrea Turner, 1919
- Thiotricha arthrodes Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha atractodes Meyrick, 1922
- Thiotricha bullata Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha chrysopa Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha complicata Meyrick, 1918
- Thiotricha hemiphaea Turner, 1919
- Thiotricha leucothona Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha margarodes Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha niphastis Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha oxytheces Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha panglycera Turner, 1919
- Thiotricha paraconta Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha parthenica Meyrick, 1904
- Thiotricha prosoestea Turner, 1919
- Epiphthora achnias Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora acrocola Turner, 1927
- Epiphthora acropasta Turner, 1919
- Epiphthora anisaula (Meyrick, 1921)
- Epiphthora autoleuca Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora belonodes Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora chionocephala (Lower, 1901)
- Epiphthora coniombra Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora cryolopha Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora delochorda Lower, 1918
- Epiphthora dinota (Turner, 1933)
- Epiphthora drosias Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora harpastis Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora hexagramma (Meyrick, 1921)
- Epiphthora hyperaenicta Turner, 1927
- Epiphthora isonira Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora lemurella Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora leptoconia Turner, 1919
- Epiphthora leucomichla Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora megalornis Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora miarodes Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora microtima Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora niphaula Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora phantasta Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora poliopasta Turner, 1919
- Epiphthora psychrodes Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora spectrella Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora thyellias Meyrick, 1904
- Epiphthora zalias (Meyrick, 1922)
- Aristotelia antipala Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia aphthoropa Turner, 1939
- Aristotelia centrosema (Lower, 1893)
- Aristotelia clavata Meyrick, 1914
- Aristotelia crypsixantha Turner, 1919
- Aristotelia epicharta Turner, 1919
- Aristotelia epimetalla Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia eurypsola Turner, 1919
- Aristotelia furtiva Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia hemisarca Lower, 1916
- Aristotelia iomarmara Meyrick, 1921
- Aristotelia ivae Busck, 1900
- Aristotelia macrothecta Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia ochrostephana Turner, 1933
- Aristotelia pamphaea Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia sinistra Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia sticheris Turner, 1919
- Aristotelia tetracosma Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia themerastis Turner, 1919
- Aristotelia thetica Meyrick, 1904
- Aristotelia turbida Turner, 1919
- Catameces peribapta (Lower, 1918)
- Deltophora peltosema (Lower, 1900)
- Dorycnopa heliochares (Lower, 1900)
- Dorycnopa marmorea (Lower, 1899)
- Dorycnopa orthodesma (Lower, 1901)
- Dorycnopa triphera Lower, 1920
- Iulota bacillum (Turner, 1927)
- Iulota epispila (Lower, 1897)
- Iulota ischnora Turner, 1919
- Iulota ithyxyla Meyrick, 1904
- Iulota ochropolia Turner, 1939
- Iulota phauloptila Turner, 1919
- Iulota triglossa Meyrick, 1904
- Leptogeneia bicristata Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus achroa (Lower, 1901)
- Megacraspedus aenictodes Turner, 1919
- Megacraspedus aphileta Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus argonota (Lower, 1901)
- Megacraspedus astemphella Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus centrosema Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus chalcoscia Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus coniodes Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus euxena Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus hoplitis Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus inficeta Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus ischnota Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus isotis Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus melitopis Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus niphodes (Lower, 1897)
- Megacraspedus oxyphanes Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus pityritis Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus platyleuca Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus popularis Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus sagittifera (Lower, 1900)
- Megacraspedus sclerotricha Meyrick, 1904
- Megacraspedus sematacma Meyrick, 1921
- Megacraspedus stratimera (Lower, 1897)
- Proselotis ischnoptila (Turner, 1919)
- Pyncostola actias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Pyncostola sciopola (Meyrick, 1904)
- Pyncostola stalactis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Brachmia ceramochroa (Turner, 1919)
- Brachmia hapalyntis Meyrick, 1911
- Brachmia obfuscata Meyrick, 1921
- Brachmia trinervis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Anarsia anisodonta Diakonoff, 1954
- Anarsia centrospila (Turner, 1919)
- Anarsia dryinopa Lower, 1897
- Anarsia epiula Meyrick, 1904
- Anarsia hippocoma Meyrick, 1921
- Anarsia leucophora Meyrick, 1904
- Anarsia molybdota Meyrick, 1904
- Anarsia patulella (Walker, 1864)
- Anisoplaca bathropis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Decatopseustis cataphanes Common, 1958
- Decatopseustis xanthastis (Lower, 1896)
- Hypatima ammonura (Meyrick, 1921)
- Hypatima attenuata (Meyrick, 1920)
- Hypatima baliodes (Lower, 1920)
- Hypatima cyrtopleura (Turner, 1919)
- Hypatima dermatica (Meyrick, 1921)
- Hypatima deviella (Walker, 1864)
- Hypatima discissa (Meyrick, 1916)
- Hypatima euplecta (Meyrick, 1904)
- Hypatima harpophora (Meyrick, 1921)
- Hypatima metaphorica (Meyrick, 1921)
- Hypatima microgramma (Meyrick, 1920)
- Hypatima orthostathma (Meyrick, 1921)
- Hypatima scotia (Turner, 1919)
- Hypatima simulacrella (Meyrick, 1904)
- Hypatima spathota (Meyrick, 1913)
- Hypatima sphenophora (Meyrick, 1904)
- Hypatima tenebrosa (Meyrick, 1920)
- Hypatima tessulata (Meyrick, 1921)
- Hypatima toreuta (Turner, 1919)
- Macracaena adela Common, 1958
- Pectinophora endema Common, 1958
- Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders, 1844)
- Pectinophora scutigera (Holdaway, 1926)
- Pexicopia arenicola Common, 1958
- Pexicopia catharia Common, 1958
- Pexicopia cryphia Common, 1958
- Pexicopia dascia Common, 1958
- Pexicopia desmanthes (Lower, 1898)
- Pexicopia diasema Common, 1958
- Pexicopia dictyomorpha (Lower, 1900)
- Pexicopia epactaea (Meyrick, 1904)
- Pexicopia euryanthes (Meyrick, 1922)
- Pexicopia mimetica Common, 1958
- Pexicopia nephelombra (Meyrick, 1904)
- Pexicopia paliscia Common, 1958
- Pexicopia pheletes Common, 1958
- Pexicopia proselia Common, 1958
- Pexicopia pycnoda (Lower, 1899)
- Pexicopia trimetropis (Meyrick, 1922)
- Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789)
- Arotria iophaea Meyrick, 1904
- Atasthalistis ochreoviridella (Pagenstecher, 1900)
- Atasthalistis pyrocosma Meyrick, 1886
- Atasthalistis tricolor (R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
- Brachyacma palpigera (Walsingham, 1891)
- Dichomeris achlyodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Dichomeris acrogypsa Turner, 1919
- Dichomeris acuminatus (Staudinger, 1876)
- Dichomeris adactella (Walker, 1864)
- Dichomeris capnites (Meyrick, 1904)
- Dichomeris chalcophaea Meyrick, 1921
- Dichomeris cirrhostola Turner, 1919
- Dichomeris dryinodes (Lower, 1897)
- Dichomeris dysorata Turner, 1919
- Dichomeris holomela (Lower, 1897)
- Dichomeris iodorus (Meyrick, 1904)
- Dichomeris lutivittata Meyrick, 1921
- Dichomeris lygropa (Lower, 1903)
- Dichomeris melanophylla (Turner, 1919)
- Dichomeris melichrous (Meyrick, 1904)
- Dichomeris mesoctenis Meyrick, 1921
- Dichomeris peristylis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Dichomeris pleuroleuca Turner, 1919
- Dichomeris pleurophaea (Turner, 1919)
- Dichomeris thanatopsis (Lower, 1901)
- Dichomeris xuthochyta Turner, 1919
- Dichomeris zygophorus (Meyrick, 1904)
- Empalactis sporogramma (Meyrick, 1921)
- Holaxyra ancylosticha (Turner, 1919)
- Hylograptis thryptica Meyrick, 1910
- Hyodectis crenoides Meyrick, 1904
- Myconita plutelliformis (Snellen, 1901)
- Onebala amethystina (Meyrick, 1904)
- Onebala choristis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Onebala euargyra (Turner, 1919)
- Onebala hibisci (Stainton, 1859)
- Onebala iridosoma (Meyrick, 1918)
- Onebala zapyrodes (Turner, 1919)
- Rhadinophylla siderosema Turner, 1919
- Streniastis composita Meyrick, 1922
- Streniastis thermaea (Lower, 1897)
- Symbolistis argyromitra Meyrick, 1904
- Symbolistis orophota Meyrick, 1904
- Telephila plasticus (Meyrick, 1904)
- Xerometra acromelas (Turner, 1919)
- Xerometra apentheta (Turner, 1919)
- Xerometra centrothetis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Xerometra chloranthes (Lower, 1900)
- Xerometra chloristis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Xerometra crocina (Meyrick, 1904)
- Xerometra cycnobathra (Lower, 1898)
- Xerometra macrosemus (Lower, 1900)
- Xerometra meliphanes (Lower, 1894)
- Xerometra mesophracta (Turner, 1919)
- Xerometra mylicotis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Xerometra ochroloma (Lower, 1901)
- Xerometra tephrastis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Xerometra tetrachroa (Lower, 1898)
- Xerometra trichombra (Lower, 1898)
- Athrips mesoleuca (Lower, 1900)
- Australiopalpa bumerang Povolný, 1974
- Australiopalpa commoni Povolný, 1974
- Australiopalpa tristis Povolný, 1974
- Ephysteris promptella (Staudinger, 1859)
- Ephysteris silignitis (Turner, 1919)
- Ephysteris subdiminutella (Stainton, 1867)
- Macrenches clerica (Rosenstock, 1885)
- Macrenches eurybatis Meyrick, 1904
- Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller, 1873)
- Sarotorna eridora Meyrick, 1904
- Sarotorna myrrhina Turner, 1919
- Sarotorna stenodes (Turner, 1936)
- Scrobipalpa aptatella (Walker, 1864)
- Scrobipalpa eschatopis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Scrobipalpa leucocephala (Lower, 1893)
- Scrobipalpa nonyma (Turner, 1919)
- Scrobipalpa pyrrhanthes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Smenodoca erebenna Meyrick, 1904
- Stegasta allactis Meyrick, 1904
- Stegasta cosmodes (Lower, 1899)
- Stegasta tenebricosa Turner, 1919
- Stegasta variana Meyrick, 1904
- Symmetrischema tangolias (Gyen, 1913)
- Physoptila termiticola (Turner, 1926)
- Ardozyga aclera (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga acrocrossa (Turner, 1947)
- Ardozyga acroleuca (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga actinota (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga aeolopis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga amblopis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga ananeura (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga annularia (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga anthracina (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga arenaria (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga arganthes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga argocentra (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga aspetodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga autopis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga aversella (Walker, 1864)
- Ardozyga banausodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga bistrigata (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga caminopis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga catarrhacta (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga celidophora (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga cephalota (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga ceramica (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga chalazodes (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga chenias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga chionoprora (Turner, 1927)
- Ardozyga chiradia (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga cladara (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga compsochroa (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga cosmotis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga creperrima (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga crotalodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga crypsibatis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga crypsicneca (Turner, 1927)
- Ardozyga cryptosperma (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga decaspila (Lower, 1899)
- Ardozyga deltodes (Lower, 1896)
- Ardozyga desmatra (Lower, 1897)
- Ardozyga diplanetis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga diplonesa (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga dysclyta (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga dysphanes (Turner, 1947)
- Ardozyga elassopis (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga elpistis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga emmeles (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga enchotypa (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga englypta (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga eumela (Lower, 1897)
- Ardozyga euprepta (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga euryarga (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga eustephana (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga exarista (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga flexilis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga frugalis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga furcifera (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga galactopa (Meyrick, 1916)
- Ardozyga glagera (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga gorgonias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga gypsocrana (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga haemaspila (Lower, 1894)
- Ardozyga hedana (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga hilara (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga hormodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga hylias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga hypocneca (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga hypoleuca (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga idiospila (Meyrick, 1922)
- Ardozyga invalida (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga involuta (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga iochlaena (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga irobela (Turner, 1947)
- Ardozyga ithygramma (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga liota (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga lithina (Lower, 1899)
- Ardozyga loemias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga loxodesma (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga mechanistis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga megalommata (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga megalosticta (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga melicrata (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga mesochra (Lower, 1894)
- Ardozyga mesopsamma (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga microdora (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga micropa (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga molyntis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga nephelota (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga neurosticha (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga nothrodes (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga nyctias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga obeliscota (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga obscura (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga ochrobathra (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga odorifera (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga orthanotos (Lower, 1900)
- Ardozyga pacifica (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga pelogenes (Meyrick, 1906)
- Ardozyga pelogramma (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga penthicodes (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga phasianis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga phloeodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga plinthactis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga poenicea (Turner, 1947)
- Ardozyga polioxysta (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga prisca (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga proscripta (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga psephias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga pyrrhica (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga sarisias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga sciodes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga scytina (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga secta (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga semiographa (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga sisyraea (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga sodalisella (Walker, 1864)
- Ardozyga sporodeta (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga stratifera (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga subnexella (Walker, 1864)
- Ardozyga tabulata (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga taracta (Turner, 1919)
- Ardozyga telopis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga temenitis (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga tetralychna Lower, 1902
- Ardozyga tetraploa (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga thanatodes (Lower, 1893)
- Ardozyga thermoplaca Lower, 1902
- Ardozyga thyridota (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga thyrsoptera (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga trachyphanes (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga trichalina (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga trichosema (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga trichroma (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga tridecta (Lower, 1900)
- Ardozyga trochias (Meyrick, 1921)
- Ardozyga tyroessa (Turner, 1933)
- Ardozyga vacatella (Walker, 1864)
- Ardozyga voluta (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga xanthocephala (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga xestolitha (Meyrick, 1904)
- Ardozyga xuthias (Meyrick, 1904)
- Corynaea dilechria Turner, 1919
- Craspedotis diasticha Turner, 1919
- Craspedotis pragmatica Meyrick, 1904
- Craspedotis soloeca Meyrick, 1904
- Craspedotis thinodes Meyrick, 1904
- Ephelictis megalarthra Meyrick, 1904
- Ephelictis neochalca Meyrick, 1904
- Epibrontis hemichlaena (Lower, 1897)
- Epibrontis pallacopa Meyrick, 1922
- Epimimastis catopta Turner, 1919
- Epimimastis porphyroloma (Lower, 1897)
- Epimimastis tegminata Meyrick, 1916
- Hemiarcha bleptodes Turner, 1919
- Hemiarcha caliginosa Turner, 1919
- Hemiarcha macroplaca (Lower, 1893)
- Hemiarcha metableta Turner, 1933
- Hemiarcha tetrasticta Turner, 1919
- Hemiarcha thermochroa (Lower, 1893)
- Oncerozancla euopa Turner, 1933
- Orthoptila abruptella (Walker, 1864)
- Pancoenia pelota Meyrick, 1904
- Pancoenia periphora Meyrick, 1904
- Pancoenia pygmaea Turner, 1919
- Phaeotypa stenochorda (Turner, 1933)
- Sphaleractis epiclysta Meyrick, 1920
- Sphaleractis eurysema Meyrick, 1904
- Sphaleractis parasticta Meyrick, 1904
- Sphaleractis platyleuca (Lower, 1897)
- Tanycyttara xanthomochla Turner, 1933
- Tritadelpha microptila Meyrick, 1904
The following species belongs to the subfamily Gelechiinae, but has not been assigned to a genus yet. Given here is the original name given to the species when it was first described:
- Gelechia anthochra Lower, 1896
- Phthorimaea chersochlora Meyrick, 1922
- Barea ectadia Turner, 1935
- Trachyntis epipona Meyrick, 1902
- Phthorimaea frequens Meyrick, 1921
- Psoricoptera melanoptila Lower, 1897
- Hemiarcha polioleuca Turner, 1919
- Gelechia callicoma Lower, 1897
- Gelechia cannanella Lower, 1897
- Borkhausenia catochopis Meyrick, 1920
- Copidostola dimorpha Lower, 1897
- Gelechia heliochrysa Lower, 1897
- Ypsolophus inodes Lower, 1897
- Gelechia lividella Lower, 1897
- Gelechia marmoratella Walker, 1864
- Paltodora orthocrossa Lower, 1897
- Gelechia petrodes Lower, 1897
- Phyllocnistis spilota Turner, 1947
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